Real marketing education for busy business owners

Join the Marketing Mentor ─ the bi-weekly newsletter crafted exclusively for busy business owners like you.

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    Brennen Smith

    CEO, Lazarus Design Team

    Award-winning marketing agency

    Who am I?

    I’ve worked in the marketing trenches with hundreds of businesses and know what it takes to drive real revenue growth. That’s what I do day in and day out. Unfortunately, marketing is typically the last thing owners think about when it comes to their business. This newsletter's aim is to provide real marketing education to owners and founders. If marketing has been afterthought for you, this is for you.

    What will you learn?

    • Proven strategies, tactics, and tips
    • Practical marketing advice
    • How marketing really works
    • How to build a marketing machine
    • How to pull marketing levers at will
    • How to measure marketing